CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN has a new package: mnhyphn

Datum: 5. März 2007 15:43:09 MEZ
New material has been installed on tug.ctan.org and by now should be at your favorite mirror. ------- Forwarded Message -------- > I have written mongolian hyphenation file and attached it. It is different > version from mnhyph or mnhyphen files to which provide T2A cyrillic encoding. > And also it's been devoted to users who use babel package. > Sincerely, Batmunkh Thanks, Jim Hefferon Saint Michael's College -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: mnhyphn.zip Type: application/x-zip-compressed Size: 2211 bytes Desc: mnhyphn.zip URL: <https://lists.dante.de/pipermail/ctan-ann/attachments/20070305/922f7b45/attachment.bin>

mnhyphn – Hyphenation patterns for Mongolian

Serves Mongolian written using Cyrillic letters, using T2A-encoded output. (Note that the montex bundle provides hyphenation patterns for its own encoding setup.)

Copyright2007, 2008 D. Batumongke
BetreuerDorjgotov Batumongke



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