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Verzeichnis support/arara


arara v7.1.2

Language: KotlinMinimum JRE: 8.0Current version

arara is a automation tool based on rules and directives. It gives you a way to enhance your experience. The tool is an effort to provide a concise way to automate the daily workflow for users and also package writers. Users might write their own rules when the provided ones do not suffice.

We are proud to announce that arara is part of the
Island of . The GitHub repository will
be used as mirror but development happens on GitLab. Please open relevant
issues and merge requests there.

Basic use

To use arara, you need to tell it what to do. Unlike most other tools, you give arara these directives in the document itself ??? usually near the top. So to run pdflatex once on your document, you should say something like:

% arara: pdflatex
Hello, world!

Now when you run arara myfile, that directive (% arara: ...) will be seen and carried out as described by the pdflatex rule. You can read more about rules and directives in the user manual available on our CTAN page or on arara's website. In addition to documenting all of the rules that come standard with arara, the manual gives a detailed explanation of how arara works, as well as how to create and use your own rules.

Getting the latest and greatest arara

arara is continuously built by the GitLab CI. For each and every commit, it is ensured that a green tick means arara passes the test suite and is ready to be tested. However, that is not meant you can use the executable artifacts of the builds for productive use.

Development of arara takes place in the development branch. Feel free to be one of our testers and enjoy the latest features and bug fixes by building from there.

If you encounter any bugs or issues when using the development branch, you are most welcome to get in touch with us and discuss potential solutions. We are also always watching out for developers who want to join us making arara even better.

Get in touch

We use a Gitter chatroom for discussing things related to arara. You are more than welcome to come join the fun and say hi! to us. We also have the issues section in our repository as a valid channel to report problems, bugs and suggest improvements.

If you want to stay in the loop of our other projects, feel free to visit our community room on Gitter or alternatively, the Matrix rooms for arara or the community.


Would you like to make arara speak your own language? Splendid! We would love to have you in the team! Just contact us by opening an issue or joining our dedicated chatroom. The localization process is quite straightforward, we can help you! Any language is welcome!


Download from GitLab

Our tool is available out of the shelf on all major distributions, including Live and MiK, which makes manual installation unnecessary given the significant coverage of such distributions. Chances are you already have arara in your system!

You can obtain the official package available in the releases section of our project repository. Please refer to the documentation on how to manually deploy our tool.


This application is licensed under the New BSD License. Please note that the New BSD License has been verified as a GPL-compatible free software license by the Free Software Foundation, and has been vetted as an open source license by the Open Source Initiative.

The team

arara, the cool automation tool, is brought to you by the Island of . If you want to support development by a donation, the best way to do this is donating to the Users Group.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (20.3M).

arara – Automation of compilation

Arara is comparable with other well-known compilation tools like latexmk and rubber. The key difference is that arara determines its actions from metadata in the source code, rather than relying on indirect resources, such as log file analysis.

Arara requires a Java virtual machine.

Version7.1.2 2023-10-01
LizenzenBSD Style License
Copyright2012–2023 Island of
BetreuerPaulo Roberto Massa Cereda
Enthalten inTeX Live als arara
MiKTeX als arara
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren