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Ankündigungen für armtex

armtex – A system for writing in Armenian with and

Arm is a system for typesetting Armenian text with Plain or (2e). It may be used with input:

  • from a standard Latin keyboard without any special encoding and/or support for Armenian letters,
  • from any keyboard which uses an encoding that has Armenian letters in the second half (characters 128-255) of the extended ASCII table (for example ArmSCII8 Armenian standard),
  • from an Armenian keyboard using UTF-8 encoding.

Users should note that the manuals still mostly describe the previous version of the package (Arm 2.0). However, a description of the new features of Arm 3.0 is provided at the end of the README file.

BetreuerVardan Akopian
Serguei Dachian
Arnak Dalalyan

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