CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/arphic-ttf


Arphic TrueType Fonts

This package provides TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts. Type1 version (for use with CJK package) is available as arphic package on CTAN. Arphic is actually the name of the company which created the fonts.


This bundle consists of four Chinese fonts:

  • bkai00mp.ttf
  • bsmi00lp.ttf
  • gbsn00lp.ttf
  • gkai00mp.ttf


ARPHIC PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL-like; see ARPHICPL.txt). Copyright (C) 1999 Arphic Technology Co., Ltd.

Changes on CTAN

  • 2016-12-12 First release on CTAN
    • Re-packaged for CTAN, based on Debian jessie (stable) packages: "fonts-arphic-bkai00mp2.10-13all.deb" "fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp2.10-14all.deb" "fonts-arphic-gbsn00lp2.11-13all.deb" "fonts-arphic-gkai00mp2.11-13all.deb"
      • Change the encoding of ARPHICPL/ANNOUNCE from Big5/GB to UTF-8N.


This bundle has been uploaded to CTAN by Hironobu Yamashita. Inquiries and comments should be sent to <h.y.acetaminophen@gmail.com>.

Hironobu Yamashita 2016-12-12

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (16.1M).

arphic-ttf – TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts

This package provides TrueType versions of the Chinese Arphic fonts for use with XeLaTeX and Lua.

Type1 versions of these fonts, for use with pdf and the cjk package, are provided by the arphic package.

Arphic is actually the name of the company which created these fonts.

Version 2016-12-12
LizenzenFree license not otherwise listed
BetreuerHironobu Yamashita
Enthalten inTeX Live als arphic-ttf
MiKTeX als arphic-ttf
Siehe aucharphic
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren