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Ankündigungen für biblatex-oxref

biblatex-oxref – Bib styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style

This bundle provides four Bib styles that implement (many of) the stipulations and examples provided by the 2014 New Hart’s Rules and the 2002 Oxford Guide to Style:

  • ‘oxnotes’ is a style similar to the standard ‘verbose’, intended for use with footnotes;
  • ‘oxnum’ is a style similar to the standard ‘numeric’, intended for use with numeric in-text citations;
  • ‘oxalph’ is a style similar to the standard ‘alphabetic’, intended for use with alphabetic in-text citations;
  • ‘oxyear’ is a style similar to the standard ‘author-year’, intended for use with parenthetical in-text citations.

The bundle provides support for a wide variety of content types, including manuscripts, audiovisual resources, social media and legal references.

Version3.1 2023-06-06
Copyright2016–2023 Alex Ball
BetreuerAlex Ball

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