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Verzeichnis macros/luatex/generic/blopentype



Basic Lua OpenType Manager


In his terse documentation for PiTeX, Paul Isambert lists, among the "mandatory Pi" files, the following:

file name Description
fonts.ptx Interface for fonts; relies on the next file.
fonts.ptxlua The Lua fontloader; should become independant some day.
foundry-settings.lua Default settings for the fontloader.

Well: the day has come, and the fontloader has now become blopentype: a Basic Lua OpenType Manager.

The basic code is copied almost verbatim from Isambert's PiTeX, save the adoption of the canonical filename extensions tex for Lua macros, lua for Lua scripts, and blot-sets.lua for the basic basic settings. The required dependencies are Isambert packages texapi, YaX and Gates, as stated in DEPENDS.txt.

You may find an example of usage in the blottest.[tex|pdf] files, and some basic documentation in blopentype.md.

Bugs and caveats

The macros are still barely documented, and massively keep the names of their parent (PiTeX) package; that may be fixed some day.

The font database is stored at $TEXMFLOCAL/texmf/luatex/blotfonts/readable.txt. It is updated automatically after installing and using new fonts, but you may edit it, or else delete/rename(backup) the database by hand, and rerun Lua to rebuild it.

The character table for each typeface is stored in the luatex/blotfonts directory as a flat lua file; it would be nice to have it compiled as a luac/luc file to save some space, some day.

Good luck, and happy Luaing


Version 0.0.3 (C) 2022-2023 Paul Isambert (author) and Luis Rivera (maintainer).

Project Public License, LPPL Version 1.3c 2008-05-04 or MIT License

September 3, 2023.

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BLOpenType – A basic Lua OpenType handler

This is a basic Lua OpenType handler, based on Paul Isambert’s Pi code. It should work with Plain at least.

Version0.0.3 2023-09-02
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
MIT License
Copyright2022–2023 Paul Isambert and Luis Rivera
BetreuerLuis Rivera
Enthalten inTeX Live als blopentype
MiKTeX als blopentype
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