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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/bmstu-iu8


IU8 package

Version: v1.2 (released 13.06.2021).

This package consist of class file and style files for writing reports at the IU8 department of IU faculty of BMSTU (Bauman Moscow State Technical University).

This class defines all headings, structure elements and other things in respect of russian standard GOST 7.32-2017. But there are correctives to be compatible with our local IU8 department requirements.

The package and any later version of this package is published under the MIT license.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (196.5k).

bmstu-iu8 – A class for IU8 reports

This package consists of a class file and style files for writing reports at the IU8 department of IU faculty of BMSTU (Bauman Moscow State Technical University).

The class defines all headings, structure elements and other things in respect of Russian standard GOST 7.32-2017. But there are correctives to be compatible with our local IU8 department requirements.

Version1.2 2021-06-13
LizenzenMIT License
Enthalten inTeX Live als bmstu-iu8
MiKTeX als bmstu-iu8
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