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Verzeichnis language/japanese/BX/bxjatoucs


BXjatoucs Package

: To convert Japanese character code to Unicode

This package provides function-like (fully-expandable) macros that convert a character code value in several Japanese encodings to a Unicode value. Supported source encodings are: ISO-2022-JP (jis), EUC-JP (euc), ShiftJIS (sjis) and the Adobe-Japan1 glyph set.

System requirement

  • format: and plain .
    • engine: Anything that has extension.
    • Dependent packages:
      • infwarerr
        • ltxcmds


  • *.sty → $TEXMF/tex/latex/bxjatoucs
    • *.tfm → $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/bxjatoucs


This package is distributed under the MIT License.

The bxjatoucs Package ― main

Package Loading

In plain :

\input bxjatoucs.sty

In :



All the macros take an argument that forms a valid number and represents the input code value, and expands (in two steps) to the string that represents the output Unicode scalar value in decimal.

  • \bxjaJisToUcs{<value>}: converts from a jis scalar value.
    • \bxjaEucToUcs{<value>}: converts from an euc scalar value.
    • \bxjaSjisToUcs{<value>}: converts from a sjis scalar value.
    • \bxjaCidToUcs{<value>}: converts from an AJ1 CID value.

There are variants that return in hexadecimal (zero-padded to at least four digits):

  • \bxjaJisToUcsHex{<value>}
    • \bxjaEucToUcsHex{<value>}
    • \bxjaSjisToUcsHex{<value>}
    • \bxjaCidToUcsHex{<value>}

Note: These macros return zero (decimal 0 and hexadecimal 0000) if the input number is out of the valid range of source encoding. If the input is malformed, the macros issue an error Missing number and then return zero.

Additional variants:

  • \bxjaFastCidToUcs{<value>}: same as bxjaCidToUcs, except that the argument is assumed to be a valid decimal string.
    • \bxjaFastCidToUcsHex{<value>}: same for \bxjaCidToUcsHex.


The following \message lines all display 23551:21496.


The following \message lines all display 5BFF:53F8.


Revision History

  • Version 0.2 ‹2019/10/20›
    • The first public version.

Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR") https://github.com/zr-tex8r

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bxjatoucs – Convert Japanese character code to Unicode

This package is meant for macro/package developers: It provides function-like (fully-expandable) macros that convert a character code value in one of several Japanese encodings to a Unicode value. Supported source encodings are: ISO-2022-JP (jis), EUC-JP (euc), Shift_JIS (sjis), and the Adobe-Japan1 glyph set.

Version0.2 2019-10-20
LizenzenMIT License
Copyright2019 Takayuki YATO (aka. “ZR”)
BetreuerTakayuki Yato
Enthalten inTeX Live als bxjatoucs
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