CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/changebar

                               changebar bundle

                                 May 06, 2022

This bundle contains a package that I maintain to add changebars to a
LaTeX document.

It provides the changebar environment as well as the commands cbstart
and cbend. It uses \specials to communicate to the dvi driver where
the bars should be printed.

The file chbar.sh which is part of this bundle was contributed. It can
be used to compare two versions of a document and automatically add
the changebars.
The file chbar.1, also contributed, documents the workings of chbar.sh

Copyright (C) 2022 Johannes L. Braams johannes.braams(at)texniek.nl

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
version 1.3 of the License, or any later version.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (395.6k).

changebar – Generate changebars in documents

Identify areas of text to be marked with changebars with the \cbstart and \cbend commands; the bars may be coloured. The package uses ‘drivers’ to place the bars; the available drivers can work with dvitoln03, dvitops, dvips, the em and tures DVI drivers, and V and pdf.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright1994–2022 Johannes L. Braams
BetreuerJohannes L. Braams
Michael Fine (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als changebar
MiKTeX als changebar
Siehe auchchbar
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren