CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/changelog


The changelog package

Available on CTAN as changelog

Changelogs are important. Unfortunately, there are few facilities for typesetting changelogs in . changelog defines a changelog environment to make changelogs simple and intuitive.

Inspired by keepachangelog.com.

File Description
changelog.sty The changelog package
changelog.pdf Documentation (English)
changelog.tex Documentation source
example.tex Example use
example.pdf Example use (PDF)
screenshot.png Sample screenshot
README.md This file
LICENSE.txt LPPL v1.3c


Sources for this package are available on GitHub. This package is built with the Nix package manager.

  • Build a release directory with rendered PDFs: nix build .#changelog
  • Build a release tarball: nix build .#changelog-tar, or just nix build
  • Enter a development shell with latexmk and fonts available: nix develop

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (181.5k).

changelog – Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs

This package provides a changelog environment (which itself provides a version environment) to represent a changelog. The package supports multiple authors, unreleased changes, and yanked (revoked) releases.

Inspired by keepachangelog.com.

Version2.5.0 2023-02-16
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
BetreuerRebecca Turner
Enthalten inTeX Live als changelog
MiKTeX als changelog
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren