CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/charissil

This is the README for the charissil package, version 6.101,
release 2022-11-11.

This package provides LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
support for the Charis SIL family of fonts
adapted by SIL International from Bitstream Charter. 

To install this package on a TDS-compliant
TeX system download the file
where the preferred URL for "tex-archive" is
http://mirrors.ctan.org. Unzip the archive at the root of an
appropriate texmf tree, likely a personal or local tree. If
necessary, update the file-name database (e.g., texhash).
Update the font-map files by enabling the Map file

To use, add


to the preamble of your document. This will activate
CharisSIL as the main (serifed) text font. Regular, Italic,
Bold and BoldItalic styles are available. The only figure
style is tabular-lining.

Options scaled=<number> or scale=<number> may be used to
scale the fonts.

The fonts are licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
version 1.1, with Reserved Font Names "Charis" and "SIL".
The text may be found in the doc directory. The rest of the
package is licensed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
Public License. The maintainer of this package is Bob
Tennent (rdt at cs.queensu.ca).

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (4.2M).

CharisSIL – CharisSIL fonts with support for all engines

This package provides the CharisSIL family of fonts adapted by SIL International from Bitstream Charter in TrueType format, with support for , pdf, XeLaTeX and Lua.

Version6.101 2022-11-11
LizenzenThe SIL Open Font License
The Project Public License
BetreuerBob Tennent
Enthalten inTeX Live als charissil
MiKTeX als charissil
Multilinguale Schriften
Kyrillische Schriften
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren