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Verzeichnis graphics/chemobabel



package for generating chemical structural formula from ChemDraw files or SMILES notations using Open Babel.

This package offers a new choice for chemists who need chemical structures in documents. With this package you can insert chemical structural formulas into your documents easily with the help of Open Babel.

Various chemical formats are allowed for input, for example, .cdx, .mol and .smi.

Package Contents

  • chemobabel.sty: Package itself; provides \chemobabel and \smilesobabel
  • chemobabel-{en,ja}.pdf: Basic usage (source: chemobabel.dtx)
  • example-en.{tex,pdf}: Examples in English
  • example-ja.{tex,pdf}: Examples in Japanese

Sample ChemDraw files and MDL Molfiles are also included.


To use this package, it is necessary to enable execution of the following external commands via latex -shell-escape.

  • obabel (Open Babel)
  • inkscape or rsvg-convert (for SVG -> PDF/EPS conversion)
  • pdfcrop or ps2eps (optional; for cropping large margins of PDF/EPS)


This package is distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. See LICENSE.


The bundle is maintained on GitHub: https://github.com/aminophen/chemobabel


See http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/12/08/053519 for detail. (Sorry in Japanese)

This work is based on a lot of resources published online:

Release Date


Hironobu YAMASHITA (aka. "Acetaminophen" or "@aminophen") http://acetaminophen.hatenablog.com/

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chemobabel – Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel

This package provides a way to convert and include chemical structure graphics from various chemical formats, such as ChemDraw files, MDL molfile or SMILES notations using Open Babel.

To use this package, it is necessary to enable execution of the following external commands via latex -shell-escape.

  • obabel (Open Babel)
  • inkscape or rsvg-convert (for SVG -> PDF/EPS conversion)
  • pdfcrop or ps2eps (optional; for cropping large margins of PDF/EPS)

Version0.9l 2022-10-22
LizenzenSimplified BSD License
Copyright2014–2022 Acetaminophen (Hironobu YAMASHITA)
BetreuerHironobu Yamashita
Enthalten inTeX Live als chemobabel
MiKTeX als chemobabel
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