CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Ankündigungen für chemobabel

chemobabel – Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel

This package provides a way to convert and include chemical structure graphics from various chemical formats, such as ChemDraw files, MDL molfile or SMILES notations using Open Babel.

To use this package, it is necessary to enable execution of the following external commands via latex -shell-escape.

  • obabel (Open Babel)
  • inkscape or rsvg-convert (for SVG -> PDF/EPS conversion)
  • pdfcrop or ps2eps (optional; for cropping large margins of PDF/EPS)

Version0.9l 2022-10-22
Copyright2014–2022 Acetaminophen (Hironobu YAMASHITA)
BetreuerHironobu Yamashita

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