CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/chivo


Chivo fonts for

This work provides the necessary files to use the Chivo fonts with . Chivo is a set of eighteen fonts provided by Héctor Gatti & Omnibus-Type Team under the Open Font License (OFL), version 1.1. The fonts are copyright (c) 2019, Omnibus-Type.

The package is released under the Project Public License (LPPL) v1.3c or later, copyright (c) 2016-2019 Arash Esbati. The fonts were obtained from Omnibus-Type GitHub repository.

v2.2, 2022/11/15

  • Update the fonts to upstream v2.002
  • Update the package to support new font weights
  • Incompatible change: The macros \textin \textsu, \textnu and \textde are renamed in order to reduce clashes with other packages, most notably hyperref and babel.

v2.1, 2019/07/19

  • Fix a bug in handling of alias keys

v2.0, 2019/07/07

  • Add the scaled' key
  • Use NFSS scheme for fonts mapping
  • Rewrite major part of the code supporting 14 fonts. Harmonize the usage of package options over different engines

v1.0, 2016/05/05

  • Initial release

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Chivo – Using the free Chivo fonts with

This work provides the necessary files to use the Chivo fonts with . Chivo is a set of eight fonts provided by Héctor Gatti & Omnibus Team under the Open Font License (OFL), version 1.1. The fonts are copyright (c) 2011-2019, Omnibus-Type.

Version2.2 2022-11-15
LizenzenThe SIL Open Font License
The Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2011–2019 Omnibus-Type
BetreuerArash Esbati
Enthalten inTeX Live als chivo
MiKTeX als chivo
Serifenlose Schriften
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren