CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis support/cluttex


Clut: Process document without cluttering your directory

Clut is a program to automatically process your document. If necessary, it re-runs program to resolve cross-references and everything.

One of its main feature is that, it does not clutter your working directory (but the final .pdf file is still brought for you).



  • Does not clutter your working directory with .aux, .log, etc. files.
  • Does not prompt for input when there is a error.
  • With p-like engines, automatically run dvipdfmx to produce PDF file.
  • Automatically re-run to resolve cross-references and other things.
  • Watch input files for change (requires an external program). [--watch option]
  • Support for MakeIndex, , Biber, makeglossaries commands. [--makeindex, --bibtex, --biber, --makeglossaries options]


$ cluttex -e pdflatex file.tex

More general form:

$ cluttex [OPTIONS] [--] INPUT.tex

See example/ for some examples.


Click [Clone or download] button on GitHub and [Download ZIP]. Unpack cluttex-master.zip and copy bin/cluttex (or bin/cluttex.bat on Windows) to somewhere in PATH.

Command-line Options

  • -e, --engine=ENGINE Specify which engine/format to use. ENGINE is one of the following: pdflatex, pdftex, lualatex, luatex, luajittex, xelatex, xetex, latex, etex, tex, platex, eptex, ptex, uplatex, euptex, uptex.
  • -o, --output=FILE The name of output file. [default: JOBNAME.FORMAT]
  • --fresh Clean intermediate files before running . Cannot be used with --output-directory.
  • --max-iterations=N Maximum number of running to resolve cross-references. [default: 3]
  • --[no-]change-directory Change the current working directory to the output directory when running .
  • --watch[=ENGINE] Watch input files for change. Requires fswatch program or inotifywait program to be installed on Unix systems.
  • --color[=WHEN] Make Clut's message colorful. WHEN is one of always, auto, or never. [default: auto if --color is omitted, always if =WHEN is omitted]
  • --includeonly=NAMEs Insert \includeonly{NAMEs}.
  • --make-depends=FILE Write dependencies as a Makefile rule.
  • --tex-option=OPTION Pass OPTION to as a single option.
  • --tex-options=OPTIONs Pass OPTIONs to as multiple options.
  • --dvipdfmx-option[s]=OPTION[s] Same for dvipdfmx.
  • -h, --help Print this message and exit.
  • -v, --version Print version information and exit.
  • -V, --verbose Be more verbose.
  • --print-output-directory Print the output directory and exit.
  • --package-support=PKG1[,PKG2,...,PKGn] Enable special support for shell-escaping packages. Currently supported packages are minted and epstopdf.
  • --engine-executable=COMMAND The actual command to use.
  • --check-driver=DRIVER Check that the correct driver file is loaded. DRIVER is one of dvipdfmx, dvips, dvisvgm. Can only be used with --output-format=dvi.

Options to run auxiliary programs:

  • --makeindex=COMMAND Use MakeIndex program to process .idx files. (e.g. --makeindex=makeindex, or --makeindex=mendex)
  • --bibtex=COMMAND Use program to produce .bbl file from .aux files. (e.g. --bibtex=bibtex, or --bibtex=upbibtex)
  • --biber[=COMMAND] Use Biber program to produce .bbl file from .bcf file.
  • --makeglossaries[=COMMAND] Use makeglossaries program to produce .gls file from .glo file.

-compatible options:

  • --[no-]shell-escape
  • --shell-restricted
  • --synctex=NUMBER
  • --[no-]file-line-error [default: yes]
  • --[no-]halt-on-error [default: yes]
  • --interaction=STRING (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/scrollmode/errorstopmode) [default: nonstopmode]
  • --jobname=STRING
  • --fmt=FORMAT
  • --output-directory=DIR [default: somewhere in the temporary directory]
  • --output-format=FORMAT Set output format (pdf or dvi). [default: pdf]

For -compatible options, single-hypen forms are allowed (e.g. -synctex=1 in addition to --synctex=1).

If run as cllualatex or clxelatex, then the default engine is lualatex or xelatex, accordingly.


This program is distributed under GNU General Public License, version 3.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (455.2k).

cluttex – An automation tool for running

This is another tool for the automation of document processing, like latexmk or arara.

The main feature of this tool is that it does not clutter your working directory with .aux or .log or other auxiliary files.

It has of course the usual features of automation tools: It automatically re-runs for cross-references. MakeIndex, , Biber, or makeglossaries will be executed if a corresponding option is set. Furthermore, cluttex can watch input files for changes (using an external program).

LizenzenGNU General Public License, version 3 or newer
Copyright2016, 2018–2023 ARATA Mizuki
BetreuerMizuki Arata
Enthalten inTeX Live als cluttex
MiKTeX als cluttex
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