CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/cmoefont

This directory contains programs for Old English letters.

The fonts created have:
D  capital eth
d  eth
T  capital thorn
t  thorn
G  capital yogh
g  yogh
n  Polish ogonek accent

The thorn is the style that looks like p and b combined. The roman derived 
fonts (i.e. not cmoeti10) also have
u  lower-case thorn with side bowl pointing top right (the traditional shape;
   I happen to think that the other shape blends better with CM); this code
   is Knuth's, from the cmman font.

To make the fonts, just run Metafont on cmoer10 etc; other sizes and styles 
can be make by adapting the CM parameter and driver files in the obvious way.

Julian Bradfield

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cmoefont – Old English glyphs to go with Computer Modern

The fonts contain eth, thorn and yogh characters, plus an ogonek diacritic. The lower-case thorn is also duplicated, in the upright fonts of the set, in a more ‘traditional’ shape.

Version 1991-06-20
BetreuerJulian Bradfield
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