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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/colortbl

The colortbl package:

   Add colour to LaTeX tables. Requires array and color packages.
   Process colortbl.ins to produce the package file colortbl.sty.
   Process colortbl.dtx to get the documentation (this requires
   longtable hhline and dcolumn from the standard `tools'

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colortbl – Add colour to tables

The package allows rows and columns to be coloured, and even individual cells.

Version1.0f 2022-06-20
LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright1996, 1998, 1999, 2012, 2018, 2020, 2022 David Carlisle
BetreuerDavid Carlisle
Enthalten inTeX Live als colortbl
MiKTeX als colortbl
Siehe auchxcolor
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