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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/currfile

LaTeX package 'currfile'
Copyright (c) 2010-2022 by Martin Scharrer <martin.scharrer@web.de>
Repository: https://github.com/MartinScharrer/currfile
Issues: https://github.com/MartinScharrer/currfile/issues

Provides macros holding the file name information (dir, base name, extension, full name and full path) for
files read by LaTeX's \input and \include macros.

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currfile – Provide file name and path of input files

The package provides macros holding file name information (directory, base name, extension, full name and full path) for files read by \input and \include macros; it uses the file hooks provided by the author’s filehook. In particular, it restores the parent file name after the trailing \clearpage of an \included file; as a result, the macros may be usefully employed in the page header and footer of the last printed page of such a file.

The depth of inclusion is made available, together with the “parent” (including file) and “parents” (all including files to the root of the tree).

The package supersedes FiNK.

Version0.8 2022-10-10
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2010–2022 Martin Scharrer
BetreuerMartin Scharrer
Enthalten inTeX Live als currfile
MiKTeX als currfile
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