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Verzeichnis info/lshort/czech

Licence type: Free
GNU General Public Licence

Title in Czech: Ne úplně nejkratší úvod do formátu LaTeX2e
Translation and typesetting: Michal Mádr, Pavel Stříž <striz@fame.utb.cz>
Comments and corrections received from: Miloš Brejcha and Karel Píška

Source codes included in the src/ subfolder.
Translated version: 4.27 from 2009-11-16
Filename: lshort-cs.pdf
Package: lshort-czech
Last update: 2011-06-15

Original title in English: The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
Authors: Tobias Oetiker and Contributers
Owner: Tobias Oetiker <oetiker@ee.ethz.ch>
Date: 2000-01-10
Group: Education

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lshort-czech – Czech translation of the “Short Introduction to

This is the Czech translation of “A Short Introduction to ”.

LizenzenGNU General Public License
BetreuerMíchal Madr
Pavel Stříž
Tobias Oetiker (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als lshort-czech
MiKTeX als lshort-czech
Tschechische Dokumentation
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