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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/dhua

                README for the `dhua' package
           (German Abbreviations Using Thin Space)
                  (C) Uwe Lueck 2011/09/16

`dhua.sty' provides commands for German phrase abbreviations 
such as `d. h.' that are recommended to use a thin space -
set-up commands `\newdhua' and `\newtwopartdhua' as well as 
commands for single cases (e.g., `\zB' for `z. B.', to save you 
from typing `z.\,B.').  Package options support generating PDF 
and HTML from the same source and automatical use of `\xspace'.

  Das Paket `dhua' bietet Befehle fuer mehrgliedrige Abkuer-
  zungen, fuer die schmale Leerzeichen (Festabstaende) empfoh-
  len werden (Duden, Wikipedia). In die englische Paketdokumen- 
  tation sind deutsche Hinweise eingestreut.

KEYWORDs: German typography; 
          web typography, language support, macro programming

The files `dhua.sty', `dhua.pdf', `dhua.cfg', `dhua.tex' and 
the present `README' file form one work redistributable and/or 
modifiable under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License;
either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see


There is NO WARRANTY, the work is somewhat experimental.

The `dhua' package is author-maintained in the sense of
this license.

The latest public version of the package is available at


A TDS version of the package is available as `dhua.tds.zip' in


Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via


Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (326.9k).

dhua – German abbreviations using thin space

Das Paket `dhua' stellt Befehle für sog. mehrgliedrige Abkürzungen bereit, für die schmale Leerzeichen (Festabstände) empfohlen werden (Duden, Wikipedia).

In die englische Paketdokumentation sind deutsche Erläuterungen eingestreut.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
BetreuerUwe Lück (verstorben)
Enthalten inTeX Live als dhua
MiKTeX als dhua
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