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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/dijkstra



          1er octobre 2022

Authors   : Christian Tellechea
Maintainer: Christian Tellechea
E-mail    : unbonpetit@netc.fr     (CT)
            Commentaires, signalements de bugs et
            suggestions bienvenus
Licence   : Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or
            later, see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt


This small package uses the Dijkstra algorithm for weighted
graphs, directed or not: the search table of the shortest path can
be displayed, the minimum distance between two vertices and
the corresponding path are stored in macros.

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dijkstra – Dijkstra algorithm for

This small package uses the Dijkstra algorithm for weighted graphs,directed or not: the search table of the shortest path can be displayed, the minimum distance between two vertices and the corresponding path are stored in macros.

This packages depends on simplekv.

Version0.13 2022-10-01
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2017–2020 Christian Tellechea
BetreuerChristian Tellechea
Enthalten inTeX Live als dijkstra
MiKTeX als dijkstra
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