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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/dutch


Dutch 3.8l

This is the babel style for Dutch.

Requires babel ≥ 3.51.

This package is NOT being actively maintained, but bugs might got fixed if you report them. If you want to take over maintenance of this language style, please contact me at http://www.texnia.com/contact.html or open an issue in https://github.com/latex3/babel/issues.

Changes 3.8j

  • An internal change to improve interoperativity with hyperref.
  • Fix: with shorthands=off some captions (eg, appendixname) raised an error.
  • Added 'afrikaans.ldf' (which is just a verbatim copy of 'dutch,ldf').

Changes 3.8k

  • Use ij instead of "y in captions.

Changes 3.8l

  • Added ij and IJ to the case mapping.

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babel-dutch – Babel contributed support for Dutch

The package provides a language definition, file for use with babel, which establishes Dutch conventions in a document (or a subset of the conventions, if Dutch is not the main language of the document).

Version3.8l 2021-08-29
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright1989–2021 Johannes L. Braams, niek
BetreuerJavier Bezos López
Johannes L. Braams (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als babel
MiKTeX als babel
Multi-lingual addon
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren