CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/ps-type1/esint

Eddie Saudrais's font esint10 in Adobe PostScript Type 1 format
by Martti Nikunen (martti.nikunen@helsinki.fi).

This PostScript Type 1 implementation of the font esint10, originally
created by Eddie Saudrais using METAFONT, is freely available for general

The conversion was done with the free mftrace program

This distribution does not contain the TFM files that are necessary to
use the fonts with TeX; the TFM files can be generated from the Metafont
sources obtained by following the instructions in

The fragment for the dvips mapfile is simply

esint10  esint10  <esint10.pfb

and the line in updmap.cfg for teTeX should be

MixedMap esint.map

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (72.1k).

esint-type1 – Font esint10 in Type 1 format

This is Eddie Saudrais's font esint10 in Adobe Type 1 format. The Adobe Type 1 implementation was generated from the original using mftrace. This distribution does not contain the TFM files that are necessary to use the fonts with ; the TFM files can be generated from the sources obtained by following the instructions in the normal way.

LizenzenPublic Domain Software
BetreuerMartti Nikunen
Enthalten inTeX Live als esint-type1
MiKTeX als esint
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren