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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/exesheet


The exesheet class and package - Typesetting exercise or exam sheets


The exesheet package is designed for typesetting exercise or exam sheets. Additionally, the exesheet class loads the schooldocs package.

This package offers the following features:

  • macros for organizing exercises and subparts,
  • specific settings for enumeration lists,
  • environments for questions and answers, with conditional display,
  • macros to display a marking scheme with detailed comments in the margins.


  • run on exesheet.ins to obtain the files exesheet.cls and exesheet.sty,
  • if you then run + dvips + ps2pdf on exesheet.dtx you'll generate the exesheet.pdf file, which is also included in the archive,
  • place the files exesheet.cls, exesheet.sty and exesheet.pdf in your Directory Structure.


Antoine Missier

Email: antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr


Released under the Project Public License v1.3 or later. See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (256.8k).

exesheet – Typesetting exercise or exam sheets

This package is used for typesetting exercise or exam sheets. In addition, the exesheet class loads the schooldocs package.

The package provides:

  • macros for organizing exercises and subparts,
  • specific settings for enumeration lists,
  • environments for questions and answers, with conditional display,
  • macros to display a marking scheme with detailed comments in the margins.

Version2.4 2023-10-28
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2020–2023 Antoine Missier
BetreuerAntoine Missier
Enthalten inTeX Live als exesheet
MiKTeX als exesheet
Siehe auchschooldocs
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