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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/fancypar


The `fancypar' package v1.2
Copyright (C) 2010, 2019 Gonzalo Medina (gmedinaar@unal.edu.co)

License: LPPL = LaTeX Project Public Licence
Maintenance Status: maintained (by Gonzalo Medina)


The package offers five predefined decorative styles (a spiral-notebook,
a zebra-like pattern, a dashed style, a marked design, and an underlined style) 
which can be applied to text paragraphs. (Paragraphs may not include displayed 

Each command offers an optional "key=value" argument to control the attributes
of the corresponding style. Users may also define their own styles.


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fancypar – Decoration of individual paragraphs

Decorates individual paragraphs of a document, offering five pre-defined styles. The command offers an optional ‘key-value’ argument with the user may define parameters of the selected style.

Predefined styles offer a spiral-notebook, a zebra-like, a dashed, a marked design, and an underlined style. Users may also define their own styles.

Decorated paragraphs may not include displayed mathematics.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2010,2019,2021 Gonzalo Medina
BetreuerGonzalo Medina Arellano
Enthalten inTeX Live als fancypar
MiKTeX als fancypar
Siehe auchboites
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren