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Verzeichnis graphics/pgf/contrib/fancyqr



made-with-latex GPLv3 License PR's Welcome compile qr

Simple package to create fancy qr-codes with the help of the qrcode-package. You may use \fancyqr just like the normal \qrcode (\fancyqr[<qr-options>]{<url>}). See the documentation.

fancyqr is actively developed by Florian Sihler (contact me at: <florian.sihler@uni-ulm.de>) under the GPLv3 License. I am very happy about every contribution (see CONTRIBUTING.md).

If you do want to hide a center square (e.g, because you want to embed an image) you can use \FancyQrDoNotPrintSquare{<x>}{<y>} to hide a rectangle with radius x and y set from the center. If you choose this option, the default \FancyQrRoundCut that rounds cut corners can be changed with \FancyQrHardCut. At the moment, there are six other styles flat, frame, blob, glitch, swift, and dots, that you can load (locally) by using \FancyQrLoad{<name>}. The default style is named default and can be 'reset' by \FancyQrLoad{default} or \FancyLoadDefault.

There are the following extra qr-options (you can set all of them with \fancyqrset{<keys>}):

Option Type Default Explanation
image Automatically center an image.^1
image padding number Additionally hide blocks (x & y) around the image.
image x padding number 0 Additionally hide blocks (x) around the image.
image y padding number 0 Additionally hide blocks (y) around the image.
gradient boolean true Toggle the color gradient
color color Disables the gradient and sets the qr color accordingly.
l color color purple Set the top left gradient color.
left color color Alias for l color.
r color color teal Set the bottom right gradient color.
right color color Alias for r color.
gradient angle angle 135 Change the gradient angle.

The defaults are set like this:

\fancyqrset{image padding=0,gradient=true,gradient angle=135,r color=teal,l color=purple}

package will automatically calculate the required \FancyQrDoNotPrintSquare (you have to make sure the, the qr code still has enough information to be readable). Therefore, the image will not scale with the qr code.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (247.9k).

fancyqr – Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ

A simple package to create fancy QR-codes with the help of the qrcode package.

Version1.1 2022-08-19
LizenzenGNU General Public License, version 3
BetreuerFlorian Sihler
Enthalten inTeX Live als fancyqr
MiKTeX als fancyqr
Siehe auchqrcode
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