CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/ffcode


make CTAN License

This package helps you write source code in your academic papers and make sure it looks neat. The package uses minted and tcolorbox packages.

First, install it from CTAN and then use in the preamble:

The function \ff{r()} reads the file:
void r() {
  // read the file

Otherwise, you can download ffcode.sty and add to your project.

If you want to contribute yourself, make a fork, then create a branch, then run l3build ctan in the root directory. It should compile everything without errors. If not, submit an issue and wait. Otherwise, make your changes and then run l3build ctan again. If the build is still clean, submit a pull request.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (560.1k).

ffcode – Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely

This package helps you write source code in your academic papers and make it looks neat. It uses minted and tcolorbox, configuring them the right way, to ensure that code fragments and code blocks look nicer.

Version0.8.0 2022-12-02
LizenzenMIT License
Copyright2021–2022 Yegor Bugayenko
BetreuerYegor Bugayenko
Enthalten inTeX Live als ffcode
MiKTeX als ffcode
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren