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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/flowfram

LaTeX Package : flowfram v1.17

Last Modified : 2014-09-30

Author        : Nicola Talbot

Package FAQ   : http://www.dickimaw-books.com/faqs/flowframfaq.html

Files         : flowfram.dtx     - documented source file
                flowfram.ins     - installation script
                flowfram.perl    - LaTeX2HTML style file (see below)
		ffuserguide.pdf  - user manual
		ffuserguide.html - user manual
		ffuserguide.tex  - source code for user manual
                samples/         - directory containing sample files

Create frames for posters, brochures or magazines

The flowfram package is designed to enable you to create
frames in a document such that the contents of the 
document environment flow from one frame to the next in the 
order in which they were defined.  This is useful for creating 
posters or magazines or any other form of document that does not
conform to the standard one or two column layout.

To extract the code do:

latex flowfram.ins

To extract the documented code do:

latex flowfram.dtx
makeindex -s gind.ist flowfram
makeindex -s flowfram.ist -o flowfram.sgi -t flowfram.slg flowfram.sgo
latex flowfram.dtx
latex flowfram.dtx


This package also supplies the LaTeX2HTML style file flowfram.perl.
Note however that this is not intended to emulate the flowfram
package. Most of the flowfram related commands are simply ignored
(along with their arguments) to provide a simple HTML version of the
document. The resulting HTML document will not contain any HTML 
frames unless other packages (such as frames.perl) are used.

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. 
See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 for the details of that license.


Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (2.0M).

flowfram – Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines

The flowfram package enables you to create frames in a document such that the contents of the document environment flow from one frame to the next in the order in which they were defined. This is useful for creating posters or magazines, indeed any form of document that does not conform to the standard one or two column layout.

Version1.17 2014-09-30
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2010–2014 Nicola Talbot
BetreuerNicola Talbot
Enthalten inTeX Live als flowfram
MiKTeX als flowfram
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