CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/luatex/latex/gitinfo-lua



A package which provides macros integrated with Lua and the commandline tool git.


In order to install this package the right way, one should create the release tarball first with make package. Afterward be sure to unpack the contents of the release tarball anywhere where will find it, i.e. ~/texmf.


The documentation can be built using make or manually using lualatex:

make build clean
# Or manually
cd doc
lualatex -shell-escape gitinfo-lua.tex
makeindex -s gind.ist gitinfo-lua.idx
lualatex -shell-escape gitinfo-lua.tex

Read gitinfo-lua.pdf for more information about this package.


This project is licensed under the LPPL version 1.3c and maintained by Erik Nijenhuis. See LICENSE.pdf for more information.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (120.8k).

gitinfo-lua – Display git project information in your projects

This project aims to display git project information in PDF documents. It is mostly written in Lua for executing the git commands, thereby making this package only applicable for Lua with shell escape enabled.

If Lua isn’t working for you, you could try gitinfo2 instead.

For , a set of standard macros is provided for displaying basic information or setting the project directory, and a set of advanced macros for formatting commits and tags.

Version1.0.0 2023-11-10
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023 E. Nijenhuis
BetreuerErik Nijenhuis
Enthalten inTeX Live als gitinfo-lua
MiKTeX als gitinfo-lua
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