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Verzeichnis macros/generic/ifptex


ifptex Package Bundle

: To check the engine is p (or its derivatives)

The ifptex package is a counterpart of ifxetex, ifluatex, etc. for the p engine. The ifuptex package is an alises to ifptex provided for backward compatibility.

System Requirements

  • format: plain , , and INI mode.
    • engine: Anything.
    • DVI driver (in DVI mode): Anything.
    • Dependent packages:
      • iftex


In a system compliant to TDS 1.1, move the files as follows:

  • *.sty → $TEXMF/tex/generic/ifptex

And rehash your TEXMF trees if necessary.


This package is distributed under the MIT License.

ifptex Package ― Test for p engine

Package Loading

In plain :

\input ifptex.sty

In :



NB: Here “-ness” is not considered.

  • \ifptex (or \ifpTeX) if-token Whether the engine is p (including up or p-ng).
    • \ifstrictptex (or \ifstrictpTeX) if-token Whether the engine is p but not up or p-ng.
    • \ifuptex (or \ifupTeX) if-token Whether the engine is up (including p-ng).
    • \ifstrictuptex (or \ifstrictupTeX) if-token Whether the engine is up but not p-ng.
    • \ifnativeuptex (or \ifnativeupTeX) if-token Whether the engine is up and its internal encoding is Unicode.
    • \ifptexng (or \ifpTeXng) if-token Whether the engine is p-ng.
    • \RequirepTeX Issues an error if \ifptex fails.
    • \RequireStrictpTeX Issues an error if \ifstrictptex fails.
    • \RequireupTeX Issues an error if \ifuptex fails.
    • \RequireStrictupTeX Issues an error if \ifstrictuptex fails.
    • \RequireNativeupTeX Issues an error if \ifnativeuptex fails.
    • \RequirepTeXng Issues an error if \ifptexng fails.
    • \upTeXguessedversion mathchardef-token The guessed value of up version; given as a 100-folded integer. NB. On version 1.23 or later, the value is correct. NB. On a non-up engine, the value is zero.
    • \RequireupTeXAtLeast{<required>} Issues an error if \upTeXguessedversion is smaller than the given required value.
    • \RequireNativeupTeXAtLeast{<required>} Issues an error either if \upTeXguessedversion is smaller than the given required value or if \ifnativeuptex fails.

The following functions are for testing whether p and/or up (in their prevailing meaning) is used. There up is not regarded as a kind of p.

  • \ifstrictplatex if-token Whether p is used.
    • \ifstrictuplatex if-token Whether up is used.
    • \ifporuplatex if-token Whether p or up is used.
    • \RequireStrictpLaTeX Issues an error if \ifstrictplatex fails.
    • \RequireStrictupLaTeX Issues an error if \ifstrictuplatex fails.
    • \RequirepOrupLaTeX Issues an error if \ifporuplatex fails.
    • \RequireStrictupLaTeXAtLeast{<required>} Issues an error either if \upTeXguessedversion is smaller than the given required value or if \ifstrictuplatex fails.

ifuptex Package ― Alias of ifptex

The ifuptex package does nothing but loading ifptex internally. It is provided for backward compatibility.

Package Loading

In plain :

\input ifuptex.sty

In :



Just the same as the ifptex package.

Revision History

  • Version 2.2c 〈2023/04/08〉
    • Add \RequireStrictupLaTeXAtLeast.
    • Version 2.2b 〈2023/02/25〉
      • Add \ifporuplatex and \RequirepOrupLaTeX.
    • Version 2.2a 〈2023/02/23〉
      • Add \ifstrictplatex and \ifstrictupltex, along with their Require... counterparts.
    • Version 2.2 〈2022/04/03〉
      • Officialy support \upTeXguessedversion.
        • Add \Require(Native)upTeXAtLeast.
    • Version 2.1 〈2021/07/01〉
      • Adjust for the future version of p.
        • Drop an undocumented feature.
    • Version 2.0 〈2019/11/01〉
      • Adjust to work better with the new iftex package maintanined by the 3 Project.
        • Now iftex is loaded inside ifptex.
          • Provide always all-lowercase \if...tex commands.
        • Support for loading in INI mode.
    • Version 1.2c 〈2017/10/04〉
    • Version 1.2b 〈2017/09/20〉
    • Version 1.2a 〈2017/09/15〉
    • Version 1.2 〈2017/09/09〉
      • Add \ifstrictupTeX and RequireStrictupTeX.
    • Version 1.1 〈2017/05/04〉
      • Minor fix.
    • Version 1.0 〈2013/04/29〉
      • Move to a separate bundle.
        • Change the package name to ifptex, and added the test for p (besides up).
    • Version 0.2 〈2008/03/14〉
      • First public version.

Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR") https://github.com/zr-tex8r

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (9.3k).

ifptex – Check if the engine is p or one of its derivatives

The ifptex package is a counterpart of ifxetex, ifluatex, etc. for the ptex engine. The ifuptex package is an alias to ifptex provided for backward compatibility.

Version2.2c 2023-04-08
LizenzenMIT License
Copyright2008–2023 Takayuki YATO
BetreuerTakayuki Yato
Enthalten inTeX Live als ifptex
MiKTeX als ifptex
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