CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network


Das Gästebuch enthält 169 Einträge.

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Archana, 2014-11-13 07:39 CET

Zwei Fehler in g-brief


vielen Dank für das Packet g-brief.

In der Doku befindet heißt es auf Seite 8 "\NameZeileA{ } bis \NameZeileG{ }" muss aber "\NameZeileA{ } bis \NameZeileF{ }" heißen.

Auf Seite 9 befindet sich ein kleiner Rechschreibfehler "dem enstprechenden Block" muss natürlich "dem entsprechenden Block" heißen (Luxusbug).

Beste Grüße

anonymous, 2014-11-05 10:53 CET

thanks for enabling ebooks through PDF

I use both animate and media9, and such rich media really enliven PDF documents. Thanks for important work.
Michael Cohen, 2014-11-04 04:48 CET

Add year to inline citations.

Could you think about adding 'year' to inline citations? I may have to go back to footnotes as I can't come up with a straightforward way of doing this without creating a new cite command which would upset trackers and so on.
Mike Leadbetter, 2014-10-06 20:00 CEST

proposed sign for path integrals

Could someone please design an integral sign that looks like a Cornu spiral? i.e. the usual \int but with curly ends. Typed in LaTeX as \intc, it could go in the esint package or amsmath. It would signify a path integral in physics. \intc_a^b \exp{iS[x(t)]}{\cal D}x(t) would signify taking a sum over all paths from point a to point b. Right now one uses just \int_a^b, but it's not a Riemann or Lebesgue integral.
Lang Withers, 2014-10-06 18:55 CEST

Awesome work

I have been thinking of doing this for a long time since I get tired of formatting every comment I make on a tex file. Thanks for your effort and this is going to be a permanent member of my preamble.
Ramakrishnan Natesan, 2014-08-15 22:27 CEST

mol2chem in javascript

Mol2chemifig is python script, how ever i am looking for the same feature in javascript. basically i need this as plugin to Drupal, for an LMS project.
Venky, 2014-08-04 10:35 CEST

Great package and \RetArg command

Hello. Thank you for the great pack�age for Bode and Nyquist plots in Tikz. I am us�ing it ex�ten�sively for my slides.

Wanted to let you know that the out�put of \RetArg is in ra�di�ans and not in de�grees where as other com�mands such as \POArg is in de�grees. This is easy to cor�rect by us�ing 57.29*\RetArg. I have found out be�cause I have found dsi�crep�an�cies with mat�lab when us�ing pure de�lays. You will find that the Bode plot in the doc�u�men�ta�tion for the first or�der with de�lay is wrong.



Franky De Bruyne, 2014-07-22 22:10 CEST

I need a mactex

I need a mactex
jun young bum, 2014-07-08 08:59 CEST

Great Info Site

wanted to drop a note in your guest book and say thank you for mak­ing this site avail­able.
Alex, 2014-06-21 20:27 CEST

latexdiff is fantastic!

Thank you for hosting such a great site with valuable resources. latexdiff is a great tool that I expect to be very useful as I work through versions of my Master's thesis!
Paul Kaefer, 2014-06-09 15:59 CEST

Thanks for the site

I wanted to drop a note in your guest book and say thank you for making this site available. I am a long time tech and beginning writer. Hope to make lots of progress with the MacTeX tools
Roger Swanson, 2014-05-08 23:21 CEST

A great new look

All those involved in maintaining CTAN over the years deserve the heartfelt gratitude of the TeX community. The interface keeps evolving toward greater user friendliness and good looks. Well done!
Ajit Thakkar, 2014-05-07 13:48 CEST

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

install 13kernel and 13packages
mehdi, 2014-04-24 20:15 CEST

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Everything worked well and suddenly:

... ("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\context\base\supp-pdf.mkii" [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] \scratchcounter=\count227 \scratchdimen=\dimen233 \scratchbox=\box89 \nofMPsegments=\count228 \nofMParguments=\count229 \everyMPshowfont=\toks52 \MPscratchCnt=\count230 ! No room for a new \dimen . \ch@ck ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3} \fi l.1253 \newdimen\MPscratchDim % will be assigned global ? ---------------------------------------- What to do?

Thank you! S.Gurov

Sergey Gurov, 2014-03-20 17:52 CET


Why is the above mentioned package not avail via tlmgr install pgf-umlcd and only in MiKTeX?
L. Humbert, 2014-03-19 18:37 CET

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