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Verzeichnis biblio/bibtex/contrib/iopart-num

iopart-num -- BibTeX style for IOP journals


The iopart-num BibTeX style is intended for use with Institute of
Physics Publishing journals, including Journal of Physics.  A numeric
citation style with Harvard-like formatting is provided, based upon
the specification in "How to prepare and submit an article for
publication in an IOP journal using LaTeX2e" by Graham Douglas (2005).

The distribution contains the BibTeX style file (iopart-num.bst), the
source files for the documentation (iopart-num.tex and
iopart-num.bib), and a PDF file of the documentation (iopart-num.pdf).


Mark A. Caprio, Yale University
January 22, 2009
Version 2.1

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.  See
http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for the details of that license.

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iopart-num – Numeric citation style for IOP journals

A style providing numeric citation in Harvard-like format. Intended for use with Institute of Physics (IOP) journals, including Journal of Physics.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2009 M. A. Caprio
BetreuerMark Caprio
Enthalten inTeX Live als iopart-num
MiKTeX als iopart-num
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