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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/isphysicalmath


isphysicalmath package

Author: Mario Fantini, <marfant7@gmail.com>

License: Project Public License lppl

Copyright (c) 2023 Mario Fantini


is a powerful language, but to take advantage of it, to respect its quality and to observe the discipline of matters that it interacts with: it requires some devices.

If you are interested in the form of math and physics, here comes isphysicalmath inside ; as far as international scientific notation and formatting of formulas, quantities, numerical values, factors, dimensions, measurement units.

So, isphysicalmath package helps user to write mathematical and physical contents, according to the scientific notation (international mainly), in an elegant way.


isphysicalmath has not dependencies.

Internally, it uses standard commands like: textnormal, hspace{}; however, it performs its activity in complex math environment too.


The documentation is isphysicalmath-doc.pdf mainly. It contains:

  • General Index
  • Introduction
  • Conventions
  • Dependencies
  • Usage
  • In-depth usage
- In-depth formatting
- In-depth notation
    - option 'dc'
    - option 'comma'
  • isphysicalmath url
  • Copyright
  • Change History

Build isphysicalmath.sty

cd isphysicalmath 
latex isphysicalmath.ins

Build the documentation

cd isphysicalmath 
latex isphysicalmath.dtx
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o isphysicalmath.gls isphysicalmath.glo
latex isphysicalmath.dtx
dvipdf isphysicalmath.dvi


Thanks to all / contributors, in particular to Scott Pakin for his packaging tutorial, and to CTAN team for its tutoring, tools and services.


Package home URL: https://github.com/MartDiVenus//tree/isphysicalmath


Copyright (C) 2023 by Mario Fantini <marfant7@gmail.com>

This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in:


and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Mario Fantini.

This work consists of the files isphysicalmath.dtx and isphysicalmath.ins and the derived file isphysicalmath.sty.

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isphysicalmath – Simple way to write nice formulas

This package provides an easy way to write mathematical and physical formulas and arguments in scientific notation in an elegant way.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023 Mario Fantini
BetreuerMario Fantini
Enthalten inTeX Live als isphysicalmath
MiKTeX als isphysicalmath
Siehe auchsiunitx
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