CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/issuulinks

			  Package issuulinks
			    Boris Veytsman

PDF visualizer ISSUU (http://issuu.com) is a popular service
allowing to show PDF documents ``one page a time''.  Due to the way
it is implemented, internal links in these documents are not
allowed.  Instead, they must be converted to external ones in the
form http://issuu.com/action/page?page=PAGENUMBER.  

This package patches hyperref to produce external links in the
required form instead of internal links created by \ref, \cite and
other commands.

Since the package redefines the internals of hyperref, you need to
call it AFTER hyperref.

The author is grateful to FAO UN which partially funded this work
and to Matthieu Stigler, Adam Prakash \& Filippo Gheri for
suggesting and testing this package.

Changes in v1.1:
	Added standard warnings about undedined/changed references

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (370.7k).

issuulinks – Produce external links instead of internal ones

The PDF visualizer http://issuu.com/ISSUU is a popular service which shows PDF documents “a page a time”. Due to the way it is implemented, internal links in these documents are not allowed. Instead, they must be converted to external ones in the form http://issuu.com/action/page?page=PAGENUMBER.

The package patches hyperref to produce external links in the required form instead of internal links created by \ref, \cite and other commands.

Since the package redefines the internals of hyperref, it must be loaded it AFTER hyperref.

LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2012 Boris Veytsman
BetreuerBoris Veytsman
Enthalten inTeX Live als issuulinks
MiKTeX als issuulinks
ThemenLabel ref
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren