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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/italian

The italian.dtx file has version number 1.4.07 dated  2022-03-27.
It is and update of a series fo files starting with the first one in 1990
Copyright (C) 1990-2022 Claudio Beccari
Maintainer Claudio Beccari
Contact: claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com

This bundle contains the source file italian.dtx and this README.txt file. By running pdfLaTeX on this italian.dtx file you obtain both the documentation italian.pdf and the language description file italian.ldf.

This file contain the necessary and supplementary data for typesetting documents in Italian with babel as the language manager.
It defines the infix words, the date in various formats. Optionally lets the user activate a number of shorthands to perform routine frequent tasks by means of the active character " that can be freely activated and deactivated. 
It defines an intelligent mathematical comma that recognises if it has to perform as a punctuation mark or as a decimal separator. Another user command activates or deactivates some commands to supply a minimum of the performance that is fully provided by the siunitx package. The file allows using babel also when a document is typeset with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, even if, according to the author, polyglossia is preferred when typesetting documents in Italian, in spite of the fact that gloss-italian.ldf for polyglossia provides less facilities than the ones available with babel.

The documentation that is provided by running LaTeX on the italian.dtx file provides full documentation of every facility provided by the italian.ldf file.

The documentation contains the licence clauses.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (476.5k).

babel-italian – Babel support for Italian text

The package provides language definitions for use in babel.

Version1.4.07 2022-03-27
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1990–2022 Claudio Beccari
BetreuerClaudio Beccari
Javier Bezos López
Johannes L. Braams (inaktiv)
Maurizio Codogno (inaktiv)
Enthalten inTeX Live als babel
MiKTeX als babel
Multi-lingual addon
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren