CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/jablantile

(This file is public domain.)

version of 3dec09

This is a small Metafont font created by Don Knuth to implement the
modular tiles described by Slavik Jablan.  See the dearjablan.tex file
for a description from DEK, and jablantile.mf for the sources.

jablantile.pdf is the formatted version of dearjablan.tex.

Karl Berry (merely the uploader on behalf of DEK)

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jablantile – version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan

This is a small font to implement the modular tiles described by Slavik Jablan. For an outline of the theoretical structure of the tiles, see (for example) Jablan’s JMM 2006 Exhibit.

Version 2009-12-03
LizenzenPublic Domain Software
BetreuerDonald E. Knuth
Enthalten inTeX Live als jablantile
MiKTeX als jablantile
ThemenFont novelty
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren