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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/l3packages


3 High-Level Concepts

Release 2023-10-10


The l3packages collection contains implementations for aspects of the 3 kernel, dealing with higher-level ideas such as the Designer Interface. The packages here are considered broadly stable (The Project does not expect the interfaces to alter radically). These packages are build on conventions at the interface level, and so may not migrate in the current form to a stand-alone 3 format.

All of the material in the collection requires the 3 base layer package l3kernel. The two packages must be installed in matching versions: if you update l3packages, make sure that l3kernel is updated at the same time.

Currently included in the CTAN release of l3packages are the following bundles:

  • l3keys2e (deprecated in favor of updated kernel methods)
  • xfp (from 2022-06-01 part of the format)
  • xfrac
  • xparse (deprecated in favor of elements move to the kernel)
  • xtemplate

l3keys2e (deprecated)

The l3keys2e package allows keys defined using l3keys to be used as package and class options with . This is tied to the method the existing kernel uses for processing options, and so it is likely that a stand-alone 3 kernel will use a very different approach.

xfp (deprecated)

The xfp package provides a document-level interface for the 3 FPU. As such, it is a wrapper around the core \fp_eval:n function but does not require code syntax. It provides the expandable command \fpeval, which can be used inside for example \edef or contexts where requires a number.

From 2022-06-01 release of this will be included in the format so that the package doesn't need loading any longer.


The xfrac package uses the interface defined by xtemplate to provide flexible split-level fractions via the \sfrac macro. This is both a demonstration of the power of the template concept and also a useful addition to the available functionality in .

xparse (deprecated)

The xparse package provides a high-level interface for declaring document commands, e.g., a uniform way to define commands taking optional arguments, optional stars (and others), mandatory arguments and more.

The development of xparse moved to the repository as ltcmd, which is preloaded in the format, and the code for xparse in this repository contains only the deprecated argument types G, l, and u.


The xtemplate package provides an interface for defining generic functions using a key=val syntax. This is designed to be "self-documenting", with the key definitions providing information on how they are to be used.


The issue tracker for 3 is currently located on GitHub.

The Project

Development of 3 is carried out by The Project.

The development team can be contacted by e-mail: <latex-team@latex-project.org>; for general 3 discussion the -L list should be used.

Copyright (C) 1998-2012,2015-2023 The LaTeX Project
All rights reserved.

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l3packages – High-level 3 concepts

This collection contains implementations for aspects of the 3 kernel, dealing with higher-level ideas such as the Designer Interface. The packages here are considered broadly stable (The 3 Project does not expect the interfaces to alter radically). These packages are built on conventions at the interface level, and so may not migrate in the current form to a stand-alone 3 format.

Packages provided:

  • xparse, which provides a high-level interface for declaring document commands
  • xfp, an expandable IEEE 754 FPU for
  • l3keys2e, which makes the facilities of the kernel module l3keys available for use by 2e packages
  • xtemplate, which provides a means of defining generic functions using a key-value syntax
  • xfrac, which provides flexible split-level fractions

Version 2023-10-10
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1998–2012, 2015–2023 The project
BetreuerThe Project Team
Enthalten inTeX Live als l3packages
MiKTeX als l3packages
ThemenPre release
Siehe auchl3kernel
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