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Verzeichnis macros/latex-dev/required/latex-lab



Release 2024-06-01 pre-release 0


This bundle holds optional files that are loaded in certain situations by kernel code (if available). For example, the new (as of 2021/12) \DocumentMetadata command in the kernel loads a file from here holding the real payload. While this code is still in development and the use is experimental and mainly for the tagging project, the code is stored outside the format so that there can be intermediate releases not affecting the production use of .

Once the code is finalized and properly tested it will eventually move to the kernel and the corresponding file in this bundle will vanish. Note that none of these files are directly user accessible in documents (i.e., they aren't packages) so the process is transparent to documents already using the new functionality.

Current support code in the bundle

Support for \DocumentMetadata

New output routine code (under development)

  • so far there is a first implementation of footnote support


The license is LPPL 1.3c.


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Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Project

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latex-lab-dev – laboratory: Development pre-release

This package provides a testing release for upcoming changes to the latex-lab bundle, which provides a route for additions to the kernel to be stablised. It accompanies the pre-testing kernel code (latex-base-dev), and is intended for testing by knowledgeable users.

Version2024-06-01 pre-release 0
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2021–2023 The Project
BetreuerThe Project Team
Enthalten inTeX Live als latex-lab-dev
MiKTeX als latex-lab-dev
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