CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis support/latexdb

LaTeXDB 0.3

Copyright (c) 2003-2006  Hans-Georg E�er  <h.g.esser@gmx.de>
Released under GPL, see gpl.txt
Project homepage: http://privat.hgesser.com/software/latexdb/

To install this package, become root and type "./install" in
this directory. That will copy program files and documentation
to /usr/local/.

The examples/ directory contains two examples that will help
you get started. doc/ contains HTML files with a program
description, and there is also a manpage latexdb(1).

Have fun,  Hans-Georg

DB – Integrates and SQL databases

DB brings together and a MySQL database. You can use SQL queries in your document and loop over the result sets creating tables, serial letters, and other stuff.

LizenzenGNU General Public License
Copyright2003–2006 Hans-Georg Eßer
BetreuerHans-Georg Eßer
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren