Vorschläge für lgreek
Die folgenden Pakete haben etwas mit dem Paket lgreek gemeinsam. Die Pakete sind in absteigender Ähnlichkeit sortiert.
- mtgreek: Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime
- lgrmath: Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
- anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX
- cmtt: A package for handling the cmtt font better
- tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures
- fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX
- psnfssx-adobe: Packages to use a selection of Adobe Type 1 fonts
- psnfssx-8r: Raw Type 1 fonts with LaTeX
- psnfssx-em: Support for the em family of fonts
- lucidabr: PSNFSS support for Lucida Type 1 fonts
- stealcaps: “Steal” small capitals
- addfont: Easier use of fonts without LaTeX support
- mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages
- mathfont: Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
- begingreek: Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
- tpslifonts: A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
- ebook: Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class
- babel-greek: Babel support for the Greek language and script
- gkpmac: The macros used in "Concrete Mathematics"
- betababel: Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code
- dithesis: A class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens
- elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts
- greekctr: Represent counters by letters of the Greek alphabet
- greekdates: Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc
- lgrx: Obsolete package for Greek in text
- grnumalt: Ancient Greek (Athenian) numbers
- teubner: Philological typesetting of classical Greek
- feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
- addliga: Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
- japanese-otf-uptex: Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
- pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts