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Verzeichnis macros/latex209/contrib/lms

% readme.txt for LMS 
% Copyright (C) 1994,1995 Cambridge University Press
% v0.3, 4th January 1995 
% This software may only be used in the preparation of journal 
% articles or books or parts of books to be published by Cambridge 
% University Press. Any other use constitutes an infringement of
% copyright.

% If you run into problems or bugs with the software, please contact
% Ben Garling at D.J.H.Garling@pmms.cam.ac.uk

% The files for LMS are in the following directory:

% LMS:
%   README.TXT     this file
%   LMS.STY        the style file   
%   LMSGUIDE.TEX   authors' instructions
%   LMSSAMPL.TEX   sample pages
% If you have obtained this package by FTP you should have one large
% file in which the above files are concatenated. Use a text editor,
% or word-processor to split these files at the text `CUT HERE'.
% Typeset LMSGUIDE.TEX and the sample pages LMSSAMPL.TEX with LMS.STY 
% for instructions and examples.

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lms – 2.09 style for LMS journals

The lms document style is a development of the standard 2.09 article style. Source of a guide and of a usage sample are provided.

LizenzenLicense that prevents distribution
Copyright1993–1995 Cambridge University Press
BetreuerBen Garling
Rod Mulvey
Alison Woollatt
Themen 2.09
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren