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Verzeichnis macros/latex209/contrib/loggates

Loggates is a package for drawing digital electronic circuits with 
logical gates in TeX. It uses a special font to do this, which is 
derived from the "milstd" font by Rick Simpson.

The package consists of the following files:

* readme        --- this file
* loggates.mf   --- metafont source for the loggates font
* loggates.sty  --- LaTeX style file for using this font
* lgdoc.tex     --- documentation in LaTeX
* makefont      --- UNIX shell script for generating the font

A nice package which can be used with the logical gate symbol font is
XY-pic by Kristoffer H. Rose. The file lgdoc.tex shows an example of how
to do this. The XY-pic package can be obtained via FTP from:

* diku.dk (      [pub/TeX/misc/xypic*]
* archive.cs.ruu.nl ( [TEX/DIAGRAM/XYpic/xypic*]

This is the first version of loggates. Among future improvements will be
a better interface with the XY-pic package, which should make drawing
circuit diagrams easier and similar to drawing commutative diagrams.
Mail questions, remarks, suggestions for improvement to:

Nico Verwer                                       | nico@cs.ruu.nl
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Utrecht  | phone: +31 30 533921
p.o. box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands | fax:   +31 30 513791

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (58.1k).

loggates – A small font for logic gates, and support

Loggates is a small font of electronic logic gate symbols (distributed as source), which is supported by a ( 2.09) macro package.

The author seems to have had ambitions to integrate the symbols into a package using XY-pic to draw logic diagrams, but there's no evidence that the work ever went that far.

Version 1992-06-15
BetreuerNico Verwer
Siehe auchcircuit-macros
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