CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis info/lshort/mongolian/lshort-mongolian

File:			bogino.tex (and bogino.dvi, bogino.ps)
Original Authors:	H. Partl e.a.
Translated by:		D. Dorj e.a.
Publication Date:	January 26, 1999


bogino.tex (`bogino' meaning `short' in Mongolian) is the
Mongolian translation of the LaTeX introduction originally
known as lkurz.tex, later l2kurz.tex in German, written by
H. Partl and others.

The present mongolian translation was made from the russian
version circulated by CyrTUG. Since that document describes
LaTeX2.09, minor modifications where made to describe the
transition to LaTeX2e.

The document requires MonTeX but is completely written in
plain, pure, good old ASCII. So it can be viewed on *any*
computer regardless of the underlying Cyrillic codepage.

Precompiled DVI and PostScript versions are included for
all who want to have a first impression of LaTeX2e's 
capabilities, and MonTeX'es in particular.

URL: ftp://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~corff/im/MLS

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (240.7k).

lshort-mongolian – Short introduction to 2.09, Mongolian translation

This is Mongolian version of the original ( 2.09) lkurz, as translated from the Russian version.

BetreuerOliver Corff
Dorjpalam Dorj
Enthalten inMiKTeX als lshort-mongolian
ThemenMongolische Dokumentation
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren