Ankündigungen für luagcd
luagcd – Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
Using Lua, the luagcd package is developped to find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of integers in LaTeX. The package provides commands to obtain step-by-step computation of gcd of two integers by using the Euclidean algorithm. In addition, the package has the command to express gcd of two integers as a linear combination. The Bezout's Identity can be verified for any two integers using commands in the package. No particular environment is required for the use of commands in the package. It is written in Lua, and the TeX file has to be compiled with the LuaLaTeX engine.
Paket | luagcd |
Version | 1.1 |
Betreuer | Chetan Shirore and Ajit Kumar |
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