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Verzeichnis info/luatex/lualatex-doc

A guide to LuaLaTeX

This document is a map, or touristic guide, for the new world of LuaLaTeX.
Though focusing on LuaLaTeX, it includes relevant information about LuaTeX
with the Plain format, too.

The intended audience ranges from complete newcomers (with a working knowledge
of conventional LaTeX) to package developers. This guide is intended to be
comprehensive in the following sense: it contains pointers to all relevant
sources, gathers information that is otherwise scattered, and adds
introductory material.

Feedback and suggestions for improvement are most welcome.


Written by Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <mpg@elzevir.fr>, 2010.

Distributed under the terms of the [_GNU free documentation licence_][gfdl].

[gfdl]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html

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lualatex-doc – A guide to use of with Lua

The document is a map/guide to the world of Lua. Coverage supports both new users and package developers. Apart from the introductory material, the document gathers information from several sources, and offers links to others.

Version 2013-05-05
LizenzenFree Documentation License
BetreuerManuel Pégourié-Gonnard
Enthalten inTeX Live als lualatex-doc
MiKTeX als lualatex-doc
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