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Ankündigungen für lualinalg

lualinalg – A linear algebra package for Lua

The lualinalg package is developed to perform operations on vectors and matrices defined over the field of real or complex numbers inside documents. It provides flexible ways for defining and displaying vectors and matrices. No particular environment of is required to use commands in the package. The package is written in Lua, and tex file is to be compiled with the Lua engine.

The time required for calculations is not an issue while compiling with Lua. There is no need to install Lua on the user's system as distributions ( Live or Mik) come bundled with Lua. It may also save users' efforts to copy vectors and matrices from other software (which may not be in -compatible format) and to use them in a tex file. The vectors and matrices of reasonable size can be handled with ease. The package can be modified or extended by writing custom Lua programs.

Version1.9 2023-11-17
BetreuerChetan Shirore and Ajit Kumar

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