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Verzeichnis macros/luatex/latex/luamathalign


The luamathalign package for Lua

With amsmath's align environment simple equations can be aligned easily, e.g.

2  &=1+1\\

but even just adding an underline makes this much more complicated. E.g.

2  &=1+1\\

is not allowed. Similarly alignment points surrounded by \left and \right or points nested in other environments do not work.

For Lua this can be solved with luamathalign. It adds a command \AlignHere which behaves mustly like & except that it's allowed almost anywhere. E.g.

                      2 &= 1+1\\
\underline{2-1 \AlignHere= 1}

Licensed under the LPPL v1.3c or later.

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luamathalign – More flexible alignment in amsmath environments

Allow aligning mathematical expressions on points where where direcly using & is not possible, especially in nested macros or environments.

Version0.3 2022-05-04
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2019–2022 Marcel Krüger
BetreuerMarcel Krüger
Enthalten inTeX Live als luamathalign
MiKTeX als luamathalign
ThemenMathematische Schriften
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