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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/lwarp

LaTeX lwarp package v0.912  README.txt

Files included are:

lwarp.dtx: The documented source code.
lwarp.ins: The documentation driver.
lwarp.pdf: The documentation.
lwarp_tutorial.txt: More documentation.  A sample tutorial.
lwarpmk.lua: A utility program which compiles print or HTML versions.
lwarp_mathjax.txt: A script inserted when MathJax is used.
lwarp_baseline_marker.png: A tiny transparent image used to
    improve SVG math width and baselines, to be located in
    tex/latex/lwarp and thus be found by kpsewhich.

Derived by compiling lwarp.ins:
lwarp.sty: The lwarp package.
lwarp-*.sty: Numerous compatibility files for other packages.

For a TeX distribution, an executable called "lwarpmk" should
be created in each bin directory, which is a link to or which
calls the "lwarpmk.lua" script found in the scripts directory.
See the installation instructions in the documentation.

The documentation includes a file listing "tutorial.tex" which may be
copied/pasted from the documentation into an editor, or it may
be copied from the file lwarp_tutorial.tex, which is found in the
documentation directory.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

Copyright 2016-2023 Brian Dunn

Homepage: http://BDTechConcepts.com
Email: bd@BDTechConcepts.com

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lwarp – Converts to HTML

This package converts to HTML by using to process the user’s document and generate HTML tags. External utility programs are only used for the final conversion of text and images. Math may be represented by SVG files or MathJax. Hundreds of packages are supported, and their load order is automatically verified.

Documents may be produced by , Lua, XeLaTeX, and by several CJK engines, classes, and packages. A texlua script automates compilation, index, glossary, and batch image processing, and also supports latexmk. Configuration is semi-automatic at the first manual compile. Support files are self-generated. Print and HTML versions of each document may coexist.

Assistance is provided for HTML import into EPUB conversion software and word processors.

Requirements include the commonly-available Poppler utilities, and Perl. Detailed installation instructions are included for each of the major operating systems and distributions. A quick-start tutorial is provided.

Version0.912 2023-08-28
LizenzenThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2016–2023 Brian Dunn
BetreuerBrian Dunn
Enthalten inTeX Live als lwarp
MiKTeX als lwarp
Siehe auchlatex2html
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