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CTAN update: cjk-ko

Datum: 21. Juli 2021 09:30:34 MESZ
Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the cjk-ko package. Version: 2.1 2021-07-20 License: gpl lppl pd Summary description: Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting Announcement text:
Support automatic Josa selection after Hangul syllables (U+AC00 .. U+D7A3)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/cjk-ko The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/language/korean/cjk-ko/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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cjk-ko – Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting

The package supports typesetting UTF-8-encoded modern Korean documents with the help of the CJK package. It provides some enhanced features focused on Korean typesetting culture, one of them being allowing line-break between Latin and CJK characters.

The package requires nanumtype1 fonts.

Version2.4 2023-05-31
Copyright2007–2015 Koaunghi Un
2007–2023 Dohyun Kim
BetreuerDohyun Kim



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