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New on CTAN: facture-belge-simple-sans-tva

Datum: 12. Oktober 2018 17:48:39 MESZ
Robert Sebille submitted the facture-belge-simple-sans-tva package. Version: 1.1 2018-10-11 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Simple Belgian invoice without VAT Announcement text:
# Simple Belgian invoice without VAT; expense reports. V. 1.1, 2018/10/11 The facture-belge-simple-sans-tva extension is used to generate invoices for Belgian individuals who do not have a VAT number and who wish to do occasional work or to carry out paid additional activities during their free time up to 6,000 euros per calendar year (amount indexed annually) without having to pay tax or social security contributions (see the website [Activités complémentaires] (https://www.activitescomplementaires.be/fr/index.html)). The package also generates expense reports.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/facture-belge-simple-sans-tva The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/xetex/latex/facture-belge-simple-sans-tva/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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facture-belge-simple-sans-tva – Simple Belgian invoice without VAT

This package can be used to generate invoices for Belgian individuals who do not have a VAT number and who wish to do occasional work, or to carry out paid additional activities during their free time up to 6,000 euros per calendar year (amount indexed annually) without having to pay tax or social security contributions (see the website Activités complémentaires).

The package can also generate expense reports.

All totals are calculated automatically, in the invoice and in the expense report.

The package depends on calctab, ifthen, hyperref, fancyhdr, multirow, eurosym, color, and colortbl.

Version2.1 2018-10-27
Copyright2018 Robert Sebille
BetreuerRobert Sebille



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